Effective training, proper nutrition, and a community of support.
OCR Racers has been built around 3 core ideals.
Obstacle Course Racing (“OCR”) is a fast-growing global sport with numerous races and distances. Our athletes are focused on self-improvement, getting personal bests, or even podium finishes in obstacle course races.
To give our athletes the very best, we’ve teamed up with Running 2 PRs and Palmer Shape to provide world class training programs, without a subscription. It doesn’t matter whether you’re new or experienced at OCR, the results are the same: incredible.
We’ve created proven training plans that have helped hundreds create better versions of themselves. In three easy steps you’ll be on your way to blowing past that finish line.
This pre-assessment provides you one killer workout while also testing your fitness finesse.
Follow the workout in the Protocol Test and record your results.
Use your results to determine which training program is right for you.
Effective training, proper nutrition, and a community of support.
OCR Racers has been built around 3 core ideals.
OCR Racers provides several training options from beginner to advanced. Whether you're looking to lift, flex, or improve your cardio we have a regimen for you.
Training tears you down - nutrition builds you up. OCR Racers provides free nutritional recipes and tips along the way to help you succeed.
Exclusive access to a community of OCR Racers where you can directly ask Palmer Shape and all other members about your training.
Challenge yourself with our Free Protocol Test
Every training plan has its purpose, and was personally crafted by Steven Palmer, CSCS. These training plans have been carefully planned out and battle-tested by OCR Racers and high-caliber athletes alike. The results are the same: incredible.
These workouts are an excellent supplement to your current program while traveling. No matter where you’re staying, we have you covered with hotel gym, room, and open space workouts. These are also a great steppingstone to fully personalized programming.
Free couch to 5k plan courtesy of Running 2 PR’s. Running plans written by a UESCA-certified running coach, and are customized to your goals. Select Couch to 5k under the Distance options dropdown, Free couch to 5k plan courtesy of Running 2 PR’s.