Altra Lone Peak
Product Review provided by an OCR Community Member.
After an almost 20-year sabbatical from running, I decided it is time to start running again. Also, the fact that I got into Obstacle Course Races… well, one can’t help but have to run. Before my sabbatical, I was primarily an 800- and 400-meter runner. Although I had done a couple of half ironmans, a few half marathons, and one marathon when I was younger, I mainly used my natural talent to get me through those particular races.
Fast forward to now. My first pair of running shoes were New Balance Leadville, which were very comfortable, but I have Morton’s Neuroma (pinched nerve in between your toe and foot). After about 4 miles of running, my foot would go numb and make trail running quite uncomfortable. I knew something had to change considering there are not many (if any) endurance races of 3 miles or less. With Morton’s Neuroma, your toes need space to spread out so that in due time, your body can hopefully un-pinch the nerve. Off to the running store I went, where I tried on multiple brands of shoes. When it came down to it, the Altra Lone Peak was by far and away the most comfortable shoes I tried. Immediately, the pain in my toes became nonexistent. Altra suggests you slowly get into their shoes since the extra space allows you to use more muscles in your legs, which causes soreness.
Admittedly, I didn’t listen to Altra’s breaking-in timeline because I knew immediately after my first run of 5 miles that these were the shoes my feet needed. I recommend listening to the breaking-in period if you can, though! No matter, the Altra Lone Peak gets an A++ rating from me. The grip they provide, the landing, and lifting off, as well as the comfort, is truly amazing. I have run a couple of OCR’s in them now and they are definitely my shoe of choice.
We all have different body types and no one shoe is going to fit me like it fits you, but on your next shoe purchase don’t be afraid to throw a pair of Altra’s on. Your feet may thank you for them.
- zero-drop shoe (allows for more natural alignment of the body and promotes low-impact running techniques)
- foot-shaped toe box to maximize shock absorption
- stylish design
- comfortable
- drains well
- sturdy tread
- can be costly (but you can often find last year’s model at REI Garage or other outlets on sale for a fraction of the brand new, in-season cost)
- when trail running, your foot feels like it is sliding a little because of the extra space and it takes some getting used to
- not lightweight compared to minimalist shoes, but not overly heavy
The pros definitely outweigh any cons and I absolutely recommend this product for OCR races!
Important Note: (This is not a sponsored post and no money is being made from it. This review is just an honest opinion submitted by an OCR Community Member. Hooray!)
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